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Email Quality
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Real Time ECOA™
Virtual Email
Postal Quality
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Match & Mail
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Constituent Connect
Database Solutions

Contacting your customers solely through expensive postal mail means your database is not realizing its full profit potential.

We have the solution, reach out to your customers via Email.

Email solutions enable you to stay in touch with your customers instantly and inexpensively. Marketing cycles that take months with postal mail can now be reduced to days giving your business the agility to maintain that competitive edge.

Data Quality Services

Visionamics can match your customer list to our database containing over 200 million postal addresses with email, providing you with the emails you need to contact your customers through the most effective marketing channel available today.

The process of matching your data is only the first step we take to deliver a top quality product. After the initial data match we send your first message out through our state of the art delivery systems at no additional charge. We then remove recipients who would like to opt-out of future emails before returning you the final verified list.

Advertising Solutions

Visionamics National Marketing Services takes your brand across the entire nation.

Our technology delivers your message into the right hands right now. Whether your target market consists of thousands or even millions of consumers, you get the results you need when you need them.

Marketing Services

Using our advanced technologies you can reduce your sales and marketing cycles from months to days.

  • Open direct sales channels
  • Survey customers interactively
  • Increase brand recognition

Visionamics ensures your business won't be left behind while competitors take advantage of emerging technologies.